Brazil Nuts Oil
The tnut or walnut oil or Brazil (or Parà), in addition to being edible and be part of the allowances paid to Indians and mestizos of the Amazon, known for its powerful antioxidant effect and that is especially rich in selenium and especially in acidic Healthy fatty that tend to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood. People with very dry skin will find oil in Brazil nuts an ally very good.
Linseed Roasted Oil
The extra virgin oil Linseed toast has the following uses.
• The flaxseed is a substance called prostanglandina, this substance within this natural oil helps control blood pressure and has the power desinflamante.
• His large amount of omega 3 and omega 6 helps regulate cholesterol level.
• regulates the digestive system, as it combats constipation. It avoids the appearance of diverticulitis ...
Sesame Oil
Sesame oil or sesame is recommended for insomnia, depression, nervousness, stress, memory loss, mental exhaustion and irritability. It is also seen as a restorer of vitality and capacity sex.
In its cosmetic use revitalizes the skin because it is rich in omega 6, scientific research shows that these fats are important for the body to produce the amount of hormones necessary for youth, why is called the oil rejuvenating ...
Linseed Oil
It is the vegetable oil with the richest source in omega 3.
Within a few benefits of linseed oil, we must help to eliminate overweight, for the content of protanglandina functions as regulator function and blood pressure by helping prevent heart disease,
The Linseed contains 27 identifiable as anti-cancer compounds. The lignin according to scientific research, fighting chemicals that cause cancer tumors and to block estrogen receptors, which could reduce the risk of colon cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, etc.
Sexual Problems
On the Linseed oil is a natural aphrodisiacs. The most common physical cause of impotence in men and frigidity in women is due to blockage of blood flow in the arteries.
Skin problems such as Psoriasis and Eczema dramatically improved, can be used as a mask for deep cleaning facial skin. |
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