Red Powdered Maca (200gr)
Cod: MA-09 |
Weight: 210 gr. |
US$ 7,92
Red Maca has more antioxidants than other varieties of maca because it contains more carotene, niacin, vitamin C, zinc, iron and calcium. These are important components in our nutrition to maintain health in balance.
For more information about the product, go to the following link Red Maca
Scientific name: Lepidiumperuvianum
It contains amino acids, minerals, carotene, niacin, vitamin C, zinc, iron and calcium.
Red gelatinized Maca 100% pure and natural, it is an extract 3.1, it contains no preservatives, artificial flavors or colors.
How to use
Adults: Consume 5-10 g (1-2 teaspoon) every day. It can be mixed with milk, juices or your daily drink.
Children: 5 g or a teaspoon a day to accompany your drinks or desserts.
Keep tightly closed bag. Store in cool, dry place. Protect from light.
It is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation. There are no reported contraindications. Provided it is not abused, as will happen with any other food, maca is a staple food in Peru and no severe contraindications are known.
The effects of the products are backed by empirical experience of ancient traditional medicines, with excellent results and the absence of harmful side effects if given within the correct dose. The mentioned information does not constitute in any way an ordinance or a prescription; the use of these natural products does not relieve a medical consultation INKANATURAL will not replace.